The Role of Payment and Financing in Achieving Health Equity
As part of its July 2022 Health Equity Summit, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) convened a payment and financing workgroup consisting of five health policy experts, including ConcertoCare CEO Dr. Julian Harris. Recently, the workgroup published its findings outlining root causes of health inequity and potential reforms, including the impacts of value-based care payments and financing. The workgroup's recommendations fell into five domains:
- addressing the differential distribution of resources between healthcare providers serving different communities
- bolstering financing for populations most in need
- improving integration of services and accountability for outcomes
- lowering patient cost barriers to care
- reducing bias in provider behavior and diagnostic tools
Addressing health equity – and the many factors that feed into it such as social determinants of health – is a core pillar of ConcertoCare's clinical model and the day-to-day work of its teams nationwide. Our company is proud of Dr. Harris' leadership and contributions to the national conversation around this topic.
Read more there about the AHRQ workgroup’s full findings.