Currently, Blue Shield is, at first, offering the ConcertoCare program to select members. If you are eligible, you would have received a letter in the mail and may have also been contacted by phone. If you are a Blue Shield member who did not receive any outreach, you can still contact us at (888) 305-9433; (TTY: 855) 247-7540, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday to find out if you are eligible.
- We schedule your first in-home visit. This will be based on your schedule and needs.
- Before your first in-home visit, we call to confirm your appointment and ask some questions. This helps our team plan for the visit and provide you with the best experience possible.
- During your first visit, you sign ConcertoCare’s short program agreement. Then we conduct our initial check-up to help us understand your health and needs.
- From there, ConcertoCare teams work with you and your regular doctor to develop a personal care plan that will help manage your health and well-being. Examples from a Care Plan could include:
- Traditional medical care such as a specialist follow-up or help with following a certain medication plan.
- Fitness plans
- Coaching sessions
- Connections to community resources
It looks different for everyone because everything is personalized to your needs.
As you continue to participate in the ConcertoCare program, you will have access to a whole team dedicated to you. This includes regular in-home checkups, acute care visits, phone access to our team, and so much more.